As I have mentioned in the past, we are a homeschooling family. It's just what is right for our particular family. This year was our first true year! My oldest son started Kindergarten, my second son started Pre-K, and my youngest tried to make the year extra challenging, haha. Well, she followed along as best as she could. I have been meaning to write a review & load it with pictures of our homeschooling experience for all those with the curious questions I've spoken to.. The other day I realized we've almost completed the second semester & I had yet to post anything!
Anyhow, last year we used the Seton Catholic Homeschool curriculum for my oldest, who was in Pre-K. It really worked well for us in so many ways and my son seemed to learn a lot. Yet, as parents, we worried that maybe they were missing out. The big yellow bus was definitely attractive to a five year old and the idea of him having lots of little friends was pleasing too. The day before kindergarten registration at our local public school, we still had not made a final decision. I cried many tears for days at the thought of sending my little man off to school. I was sad we wouldn't be teaching him any longer. My heart broke daily as I thought of no longer painting with him, not being there to pick out library books with him, and no longer snuggling together for story time. However, I was devastated at the thought of having to separate my three kids from each other for most of their day. They have a deep bond with each other and I wanted to nurture that, not break it. Well, we finally decided to give homeschooling another year, and we would see how it went before making any further decisions. I am so, very thankful for that calling. It has not been a completely easy experience, but it has been a beautiful blessing.
"Parents are the first and the most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area; they are educators because they are parents." -St. John Paul II, Letter to Families.
Below are just a few fun times from my oldest son's Pre-K year.
My silly, excited pre-k kiddo! |
Practicing his handwriting and number recognition. |
Calendar Math |
Forming his letters in sand. |
Caterpillar science |
Counting bear math |
A visit to the Museum of Natural Science was awesome. |
Taking a break for a picnic lunch inside our new house. |
Sunny Day science fun! |
Intricate insect wings. |
Finger paint work of art! |
Making bird feeders |
A trip to the zoo is always a joy! |
Excited to be inside a real firetruck! |
Floating practice at swimming lessons. |
Learning to read!!! |
Puzzle fun |
My little Champion Mutton Buster! He was awesome! |
Reptile presentation at the library. |
A love for reading. |
Joined the swim team!
Launching rockets! |