
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray! It RAINED!

As we stepped outside this morning, it seemed as though it had rained, but it was hard to believe.  So we searched for signs.  Yes, the driveway had a puddle... yes, the grass was still wet... yes, the mosquitos were out.  That's a sure sign.  The night had brought a refreshing, much needed RAIN!  Not even an inch, but we were very thankful for it.

The flock seemed extra perky this morning, since they were all very pleased with the rain, as well.  It brought an abundance of bugs that were creeping around, perfect for a breakfast snack.  Here, our little Lavender Bantam Ameraucana rooster was keeping his lookout while the Mrs. was eating.  He's such a good natured rooster.

Lavender Bantam Ameraucana Rooster, 12 weeks old

We had a tasty breakfast from the garden, too.  A bowl of sweet red beets and cucumbers, peanuts and orange juice.  Okay, so it's not very conventional... but who can deny a toddler's request for a bowl of veggies?  Not me.  Both boys love their veggies, so far.  I realize that may change, but we are definitely trying to foster this love of theirs.

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